Question: Is there a targeting platform that offers customizable segments and large data sets for more precise advertising?

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If you need a targeting platform with a lot of data, customizable segments, and the ability to fine-tune your ad targeting, Proximic is a good option. Proximic's AI-based contextual intelligence technology is designed to get more people engaged and to monetize that engagement without relying on user IDs. It offers predictive audiences, contextual intelligence and large data sets with customizable segments. The platform can handle a range of media sellers, including video, web display, mobile, gaming and podcast or audio inventory, so it can accommodate your needs.

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Another contender is InMarket, which connects brands with customers through proprietary technology and data. It offers scaled audience reach and customizable segments through its Audiences solution. InMarket also offers AI-powered predictive and real-time omnichannel activation, campaign performance measurement and actionable insights through petabytes of data. The company protects consumer privacy while delivering accurate and reliable insights, so it's a good option for targeted advertising.

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Dstillery offers custom audience solutions through AI technology that creates data-driven audiences. It gathers browsing behavior data to predict user behavior without relying on cookies or IDs. Dstillery offers three custom audience solutions and tools like Audience Brief Genius for selecting audiences with OpenAI technology. The company is geared for brands and agencies looking to get more out of their advertising campaigns through advanced AI targeting.

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If you're looking for a consumer data and intelligence platform, check out Resonate. It offers a single view into more than 230 million profiles and 2 billion devices, using AI to deliver predictive data with high accuracy. Resonate helps businesses in industries like health and wellness, financial services and ESG with detailed consumer profiles, intent signals and psychographics. Its managed media services handle end-to-end programmatic ad planning, making it a good option for data-driven marketing decisions.

Additional AI Projects

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Optimizely Data Platform

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Builds detailed subscriber profiles from technical logs, including demographics, interests, and habits, for precise ad targeting while protecting user privacy.

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Taptap Digital

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Anonymised screenshot thumbnail


Reaches all consented users with a persistent cross-publisher identifier, offering powerful lookalike predictions for non-consented users, while protecting consumer privacy.

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Leverages real-time first-party data to drive accurate predictions, scalable user acquisition, and monetization, with adaptable models for optimal performance.

Implicit screenshot thumbnail


Targeted digital advertising without user data, using AI-driven panels of representative internet users to deliver campaigns to the right audience for maximum results.

CivicScience screenshot thumbnail


Uncover emerging trends, forecast outcomes, and identify persuadable customers with AI-driven insights from a vast pool of consumer behavior and preference data.

Cluep screenshot thumbnail


Analyze online behaviors, emotions, and preferences to target ads with precision, driving meaningful engagement and conversions.

Hybrid screenshot thumbnail


Combines machine learning-powered tools and services for campaign planning, launch, and optimization, delivering tailored ads and precise bidding for maximum ROI.

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Automates and optimizes advertising campaigns across multiple digital touchpoints, providing predictive budget allocation, automated management, and dynamic creative optimization.

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Drive growth with precision targeting, AI-powered optimization, and advanced attribution, while automating marketing workflows to maximize ROI.

Appier screenshot thumbnail


Predicts and targets high-lifetime-value users, automates campaigns, and optimizes conversions with AI-powered tools for enhanced marketing performance and customer experiences.

D•engage screenshot thumbnail


Unlock valuable customer insights by gathering data from multiple sources and building a single customer profile, enabling personalized interactions across multiple channels.