
Reaches all consented users with a persistent cross-publisher identifier, offering powerful lookalike predictions for non-consented users, while protecting consumer privacy.
Data Privacy Solutions Ad Targeting GDPR Compliance

Anonymised is the cookieless data platform that empowers publishers and advertisers to reach and monetize audiences without exposing any personal data. The platform is designed to meet the increasing demand for privacy compliance in the digital advertising industry.

Anonymised leverages proprietary technology to connect publishers looking to maximize the value of their audience and advertisers looking to maximize the performance of their marketing. Key benefits include:

  • Scale and accuracy: Reaches all consented users with a persistent cross-publisher identifier and offers powerful lookalike predictions for non-consented users.
  • Custom interest and intent data: Runs campaigns across all browsers using anonymized data.
  • GDPR compliance: Protects consumer privacy by using anonymized data, so no personal data is shared.

Anonymised offers a range of benefits to publishers and advertisers:

  • Publishers: Expand high-CPM audiences across other publishers, create custom segments using taxonomies, and monetize all audiences using cross-domain interests and intent data.
  • Advertisers: Measure campaign performance without collecting personal data, retarget existing customers, and find new high-propensity consumers using lookalike AI models.

Some notable statistics include:

  • Over 90%: Audience reach in cookieless browsers
  • Up to 8x: Higher yields on cookieless inventory
  • 100%: Match rates on all environments
  • Infinite: Segments available to marketers
  • Zero: Personal data disclosed

By using Anonymised, users can future-proof their advertising efforts while staying compliant with privacy regulations. Anonymised offers a powerful solution to the changing landscape of digital advertising.

Published on June 24, 2024

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