Question: How can I ensure that my digital marketing campaigns are reaching the right audience and not wasting money on invalid traffic?

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First up is TrafficGuard, an ad fraud protection software that spots and blocks bad traffic to maximize return on investment by keeping you from wasting money on ads. It spots and blocks bots, malware and other types of fraud, and it says conversion rates and cost per acquisition improve as a result. TrafficGuard has integration with Google Ads and other ad tech partners and offers several pricing levels, including a free option, so it's available to companies large and small.

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Another serious option is Lunio, which promises to optimize performance marketing by cutting out invalid traffic in all paid marketing channels. It captures ad traffic data, blocks fraudulent clicks and adjusts for behavior after the click. It integrates with Google, Meta, LinkedIn, Twitter and TikTok, among other ad tech partners, and promises better click quality and lower ad costs.

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If you're looking for a cybersecurity product, Anura promises to spot fraud with a 0% false positive rate. It offers detailed analysis, interactive analytics and integration with a variety of ad tech partners to spot affiliate, programmatic, search and social media fraud. Anura's ad fraud calculator tool lets you estimate how much money you're likely to lose and optimize your campaigns accordingly.

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Last, CHEQ offers a full-stack Go-to-Market Security platform that's designed to thwart automated and human-powered attacks. It's got a variety of tools and more than 2,000 real-time cybersecurity tests to ensure data, analytics and marketing are trustworthy. It's used by more than 15,000 brands, but is likely to be of particular interest to retail, e-commerce, financial services and professional services.

Additional AI Projects

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Spider AF

Protects ad budgets from invalid traffic with real-time fraud detection, IP blocking, and customizable exclusions, ensuring campaigns reach real users and maximize ROI.

Dstillery screenshot thumbnail


Builds data-driven custom audiences for targeted advertising, using AI to predict user behavior and providing scalable, privacy-compliant solutions.

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Activates high-CTR campaigns with real-time, location-based targeting and AI-driven predictive optimization across mobile, desktop, and Connected TV channels.

AdTheorent screenshot thumbnail


Delivers tailored results through predictive targeting, geo-intelligence, and cross-environment mapping, driving real-world value for advertisers across various industries.

AdRoll screenshot thumbnail


Leverages AI and machine learning to optimize marketing campaigns across all channels, delivering personalized advertising and targeted audience engagement.

Lifesight screenshot thumbnail


Unifies marketing data across channels, providing actionable insights and AI-driven attribution to maximize ROI and inform data-driven decisions.

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Targeted digital advertising without user data, using AI-driven panels of representative internet users to deliver campaigns to the right audience for maximum results.

RTB House screenshot thumbnail

RTB House

Leverages Deep Learning to build targeted marketing campaigns with dynamic ad formats, maximizing sales potential and brand loyalty at all funnel stages.

Heeet screenshot thumbnail


Track lead generation and revenue without cookies, with multitouch attribution and integrations with Google Ads, Facebook Ads, and other paid advertising systems.

Exactag screenshot thumbnail


Combines high-quality data collection, advanced algorithms, and full transparency to enable better decision-making and more successful marketing campaigns.

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Unifies data from multiple ad platforms and marketing software to provide a single, actionable view of marketing performance and optimize ROI.

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Automates campaign creation and management, optimizing budget allocation and ad performance across LinkedIn, Facebook, and Google Ads in real-time.

Wunderkind screenshot thumbnail


Acquires new customers at scale and retains them for life with personalized, one-to-one marketing messages across email, text, and ads, powered by AI and identity.

Smartly screenshot thumbnail


Automates and optimizes advertising campaigns across multiple digital touchpoints, providing predictive budget allocation, automated management, and dynamic creative optimization.

Adtriba screenshot thumbnail


Unbiased, cross-channel marketing attribution and measurement solutions that automate data collection and provide actionable insights for data-driven budget allocation.

Marketing Cloud screenshot thumbnail

Marketing Cloud

Unify customer data and analytics to run smarter, personalized campaigns across every interaction, driving increased ROI, customer value, and engagement.

Seedtag screenshot thumbnail


Analyzes 60 million articles daily to spot trends and interests, enabling precision targeting and optimized ad placement in a privacy-first world.

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Unlock richer consumer experiences with the world's largest commerce data set.

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Reaches all consented users with a persistent cross-publisher identifier, offering powerful lookalike predictions for non-consented users, while protecting consumer privacy.

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Identifies companies exhibiting research behaviors directly relevant to business solutions, enabling targeted engagement with potential buyers at the point of purchase.