
Leverages AI and machine learning to optimize marketing campaigns across all channels, delivering personalized advertising and targeted audience engagement.
Digital Advertising Personalized Advertising Marketing Automation

AdRoll is a digital advertising platform that helps brands build awareness, drive traffic and conversions through personalized advertising. More than 140,000 brands have relied on AdRoll for more than 15 years to develop successful marketing strategies. AdRoll leverages the power of AI and machine learning to optimize marketing campaigns across all channels.

AdRoll offers a variety of advertising solutions to help you achieve your marketing goals:

  • Display Ads: Stand out with eye-catching images, headlines and calls-to-action.
  • Video Ads: Use motion and sound to communicate your message and capture attention.
  • Native Ads: Fit in with editorial content for a more subtle, non-intrusive approach.
  • Retargeting Ads: Re-engage with people who have already visited your site.
  • Brand Awareness Ads: Drive quality traffic and increase brand recognition.

Some of the key features include:

  • Advanced Audience Modeling and Targeting: Use machine learning to target the right customers based on user profiles and behavior.
  • Dynamic Creative Optimization: Personalize ads to individual consumers using predictive modeling.
  • Marketing Automation: Coordinate automated campaigns across display, social and email.
  • Analytics and Attribution: Get unified reporting, cross-channel attribution and performance insights.

Pricing tiers vary depending on your business needs:

  • Ads: Pay-as-you-go for display and native ads, including retargeting and prospecting campaigns.
  • Marketing & Ads+: Manage display, native and social ad campaigns with monthly AdRoll ad credits.
  • Advanced Package: Get the full AdRoll platform with onboarding, account management, creative and optimization services.
  • Agency Package: For agencies, firms or consultants to manage client relationships.

AdRoll offers tools and services to help businesses navigate the complexities of digital advertising, ensuring that campaigns are efficient, effective and targeted to their desired audience. Whether you're looking to increase brand awareness, drive conversions or optimize performance, AdRoll offers a comprehensive solution to help you achieve your marketing goals.

Published on June 24, 2024

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