DeepIntent Alternatives

Predicts patient and HCP reach by channel and data provider, enabling better planning and optimization decisions through real-world health data and AI-driven insights.
Swoop screenshot thumbnail


If you're looking for a DeepIntent alternative, Swoop is worth a look. It's a precision healthcare marketing platform that uses AI and real-world data to create highly targeted and high-quality audience segments for pharmaceutical brands. Swoop promises industry-standard performance benchmarks, custom audience segments and precise omnichannel activation. Its HIPAA-certified and NAI-compliant technology is designed to protect patient data, and it's won awards for its innovative approach with big script lift and patient lifetime value increases.

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Another contender is InMarket, a real-time marketing and measurement platform that connects brands with customers through proprietary technology and data. It offers audience reach and targeting, AI-powered activation, campaign measurement and insights. InMarket features include Real-Time Optimization, Comscore-Verified Data and customizable reporting to ensure campaign performance improvements are reliable and actionable. InMarket is designed to respect consumer privacy and comply with regulations, making it a good choice for optimizing marketing.

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If you want a more integrated data-driven marketing system, check out Resonate. The company uses AI to provide a constantly updated profile of consumers so businesses can make data-driven decisions and optimize performance. Resonate offers predictive data, intent signals, psychographics and preferences, and its AI-powered data engine creates detailed consumer profiles. The company's technology is particularly well suited to health and wellness companies, helping them better understand their customers and target them more effectively.

More Alternatives to DeepIntent

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Delivers precise, privacy-safe segments of ideal patients and healthcare providers, improving audience quality and driving engagement and prescription lift.

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Predicts and targets high-lifetime-value users, automates campaigns, and optimizes conversions with AI-powered tools for enhanced marketing performance and customer experiences.

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RTB House

Leverages Deep Learning to build targeted marketing campaigns with dynamic ad formats, maximizing sales potential and brand loyalty at all funnel stages.

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Automates and optimizes advertising campaigns across multiple digital touchpoints, providing predictive budget allocation, automated management, and dynamic creative optimization.

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Centralize customer data, automate marketing decisions, and deliver personalized experiences across channels in real-time with AI-driven decisioning and predictions.

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Optimizes revenue and ROAS by making data-driven budget decisions through predictive analytics, multi-touch attribution, and media mix modeling.

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Builds data-driven custom audiences for targeted advertising, using AI to predict user behavior and providing scalable, privacy-compliant solutions.

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Drive growth with precision targeting, AI-powered optimization, and advanced attribution, while automating marketing workflows to maximize ROI.

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Optimizely Data Platform

Unify customer data from multiple sources in real-time, creating a single, up-to-date view to activate personalized experiences across channels.

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Optimizes brand advertising campaigns across multiple channels with real-time insights, predictive analytics, and customizable dashboards for data-driven decisions. screenshot thumbnail

Analyzes thousands of data points to optimize ad creative and campaign strategy, providing actionable insights to maximize conversions and improve ROAS.

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Identifies companies exhibiting research behaviors directly relevant to business solutions, enabling targeted engagement with potential buyers at the point of purchase.

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Attention Intelligence Platform

Measures attention across digital campaigns, providing real-time optimization and clear reporting to maximize ad spend and drive higher ROI.

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Personalize omnichannel marketing efforts with AI-optimized interactions, maximizing ROI and delivering tailored customer experiences across multiple touchpoints.

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Leverages AI and machine learning to optimize marketing campaigns across all channels, delivering personalized advertising and targeted audience engagement.

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Jivox delivers personalized, dynamic ads in real-time across multiple touchpoints, driving sales and revenue growth.

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Unifies marketing data across channels, providing actionable insights and AI-driven attribution to maximize ROI and inform data-driven decisions.

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Automates campaign creation and management, optimizing budget allocation and ad performance across LinkedIn, Facebook, and Google Ads in real-time. screenshot thumbnail

Generates high-conversion-rate ad creatives, including text and visuals, using data-driven insights and AI training on a massive library of top-performing ads.

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Unbiased, cross-channel marketing attribution and measurement solutions that automate data collection and provide actionable insights for data-driven budget allocation.

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Forecast ad performance with high accuracy, optimizing Click-Through Rate, Engagement Rate, and more, to make data-driven creative decisions in seconds.