Question: How can I reach and engage with my target audience more effectively without compromising on privacy?

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If you want to reach the right audience and engage with them while preserving privacy, Permutive is a good choice. It's a privacy-first platform that lets publishers generate more ad revenue and forge better relationships with advertisers even without third-party cookies. It's got edge processing, privacy by design and real-time reporting that lets you analyze audiences and develop rich monetization strategies.

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Another good option is Proximic, which uses AI-based contextual intelligence for audience engagement and monetization. The company offers ID-free targeting and contextual advertising that means ads appear alongside content that's most likely to be of interest to the audience. Proximic works with a broad range of media sellers and offers tools for media buyers and sellers, which can help you reach more people and monetize them better while protecting privacy.

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If you want an even more AI-infused approach, Dstillery offers advanced custom audience options. With ID-free technology, it can gather browsing behavior data to predict what people are likely to do and target audiences accordingly without cookies. Dstillery's technology lets brands and agencies fine-tune their ad campaigns with precision and privacy, for example with the Audience Brief Genius tool to pick the right audience.

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And Anonymised offers a cookieless data platform that's designed to be GDPR compliant and to target ads. It anonymizes data to deliver campaigns across all browsers, delivering high-CPM audiences and a broad range of monetization options for publishers. It's designed to maximize marketing performance while protecting user privacy.

Additional AI Projects

Weborama screenshot thumbnail


Unify customer data from multiple sources to build actionable profiles, optimize digital advertising, and protect user privacy with a hybrid DMP/CDP solution.

Anagog screenshot thumbnail


Provides real-time engagement and hyper-relevance through thousands of real-world segments and moments, ensuring personalized customer experiences while respecting privacy.

EthicalAds screenshot thumbnail


Combines AI-powered contextual and geographic targeting to match ads with the right audience, while protecting user privacy and ensuring GDPR and CCPA compliance.

GumGum screenshot thumbnail


Analyzes digital content to deliver high-impact ads in contextually relevant places, ensuring better experiences without relying on cookies or personal data.

Implicit screenshot thumbnail


Targeted digital advertising without user data, using AI-driven panels of representative internet users to deliver campaigns to the right audience for maximum results.

AdTheorent screenshot thumbnail


Delivers tailored results through predictive targeting, geo-intelligence, and cross-environment mapping, driving real-world value for advertisers across various industries.

Wunderkind screenshot thumbnail


Acquires new customers at scale and retains them for life with personalized, one-to-one marketing messages across email, text, and ads, powered by AI and identity.

Yieldmo screenshot thumbnail


Optimizes ad inventory performance in real-time using machine learning and contextual data, even without audience data, for better ad experiences.

Piano DMP screenshot thumbnail

Piano DMP

Combines first, second, and third-party data to build richer user profiles, enabling targeted multichannel campaigns and personalized experiences.

Ketch screenshot thumbnail


Unify privacy compliance, data permissions, and consent management across systems, automating routine tasks and providing real-time data mapping and risk assessment.

Resonate screenshot thumbnail


Unlock 14,000+ predictive attributes with 80.2% mean accuracy, empowering marketers to make data-driven decisions and optimize marketing performance.

Flashtalking screenshot thumbnail


Automates creative and media workflows, enabling real-time personalization and sophisticated automation across social, open web, and CTV channels.

Seedtag screenshot thumbnail


Analyzes 60 million articles daily to spot trends and interests, enabling precision targeting and optimized ad placement in a privacy-first world. screenshot thumbnail

Unlock deeper customer insights with behavioral segmentation tools, profiling social, mobile, and web behavior to inform targeted marketing and location strategies.

RTB House screenshot thumbnail

RTB House

Leverages Deep Learning to build targeted marketing campaigns with dynamic ad formats, maximizing sales potential and brand loyalty at all funnel stages.

InMarket screenshot thumbnail


Activates high-CTR campaigns with real-time, location-based targeting and AI-driven predictive optimization across mobile, desktop, and Connected TV channels.

Pubtech screenshot thumbnail


Optimizes advertising revenue, editorial decision-making, and compliance with privacy regulations, enhancing reader experience and publisher revenue through AI-driven solutions.

AdRoll screenshot thumbnail


Leverages AI and machine learning to optimize marketing campaigns across all channels, delivering personalized advertising and targeted audience engagement.

Moloco screenshot thumbnail


Leverages real-time first-party data to drive accurate predictions, scalable user acquisition, and monetization, with adaptable models for optimal performance.

Cluep screenshot thumbnail


Analyze online behaviors, emotions, and preferences to target ads with precision, driving meaningful engagement and conversions.