Question: I'm looking for a solution that combines location intelligence and contextual relevance for dynamic advertising and marketing activations.

Taptap Digital screenshot thumbnail

Taptap Digital

If you're looking for a solution that combines location intelligence and contextual relevance for dynamic advertising and marketing activations, Taptap Digital is another top contender. This global advertising technology company offers a variety of advanced solutions for brands, including predictive modeling, omnichannel media buying, and location intelligence. The platform uses AI to boost ad verification, data signals and performance optimization, and it protects brand safety through proprietary and third-party integrations.

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Seedtag also offers a compelling contextual advertising platform using machine learning to build targeted campaigns. The platform processes millions of articles daily to understand trends and topics of interest, so brands can reach their audience with precision. Key features include contextual intelligence, personalized segments, and dynamic placement optimization, which have led to notable improvements in ad recall and brand lift.

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For a focus on contextual intelligence, GumGum offers a Mindset Platform that uses AI to analyze digital content and deliver engaging ads in contextually relevant places. The platform offers dynamic ad creatives, attention measurement, and real-time optimization, making it a good choice for brands that want to succeed in a cookieless world. GumGum also integrates with vendors like HUMAN Security and NewsGuard to protect brand safety on every impression.

Additional AI Projects

RTB House screenshot thumbnail

RTB House

Leverages Deep Learning to build targeted marketing campaigns with dynamic ad formats, maximizing sales potential and brand loyalty at all funnel stages.

AdTheorent screenshot thumbnail


Delivers tailored results through predictive targeting, geo-intelligence, and cross-environment mapping, driving real-world value for advertisers across various industries. screenshot thumbnail

Unlock deeper customer insights with behavioral segmentation tools, profiling social, mobile, and web behavior to inform targeted marketing and location strategies.

Instreamatic screenshot thumbnail


Optimizes audio and video ads for relevance, conversions, and ROI through AI-powered personalization and automated A/B testing, creating hundreds of targeted ad variations.

Jampp screenshot thumbnail


Optimizes mobile marketing with automated ad spend, creative rotation, and contextual signal analysis to drive incremental ROI and sustainable user growth.

Dstillery screenshot thumbnail


Builds data-driven custom audiences for targeted advertising, using AI to predict user behavior and providing scalable, privacy-compliant solutions.

Dynamic Yield screenshot thumbnail

Dynamic Yield

Creates unique, algorithmically matched content, products, and offers for each customer across multiple digital touchpoints, driving revenue and loyalty.

Moloco screenshot thumbnail


Leverages real-time first-party data to drive accurate predictions, scalable user acquisition, and monetization, with adaptable models for optimal performance.

Omneky screenshot thumbnail


Rapidly produces high-quality, on-brand ads at scale, analyzing performance data to optimize design and messaging for multiple channels and languages.

Criteo screenshot thumbnail


Unlock richer consumer experiences with the world's largest commerce data set.

AdQuery screenshot thumbnail


Targets users with contextual ads based on interests and behavior, ensuring high brand safety and relevance in a safe, fraud-free environment.

Attention Intelligence Platform screenshot thumbnail

Attention Intelligence Platform

Measures attention across digital campaigns, providing real-time optimization and clear reporting to maximize ad spend and drive higher ROI.

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Contextualizes video content for moment-based advertising, offering premium in-video ad placements, AI-powered insights, and improved monetization opportunities.

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Automates creative and media workflows, enabling real-time personalization and sophisticated automation across social, open web, and CTV channels. screenshot thumbnail

Boost direct sales revenue by at least 15% with innovative ad formats, AI targeting, and zero-code technology, eliminating integration complexity and development costs.

LensAI screenshot thumbnail


Injects ads directly into objects in video and image content, providing new, highly visible ad inventory with contextual targeting and user privacy protection.

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Combines machine learning-powered tools and services for campaign planning, launch, and optimization, delivering tailored ads and precise bidding for maximum ROI.

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Forecast ad performance with high accuracy, optimizing Click-Through Rate, Engagement Rate, and more, to make data-driven creative decisions in seconds.

AdRoll screenshot thumbnail


Leverages AI and machine learning to optimize marketing campaigns across all channels, delivering personalized advertising and targeted audience engagement.

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Analyze online behaviors, emotions, and preferences to target ads with precision, driving meaningful engagement and conversions.

Smartly screenshot thumbnail


Automates and optimizes advertising campaigns across multiple digital touchpoints, providing predictive budget allocation, automated management, and dynamic creative optimization.