Question: Can you recommend a platform that helps mobile carriers target ads precisely without compromising subscriber privacy? screenshot thumbnail

For a platform that lets mobile carriers target ads toward subscribers without violating their privacy, is a good contender. It's got a lot of ad targeting sophistication, using machine learning to build detailed profiles of subscribers based on technical logs. It's got privacy built in with data processing that takes place in the telecom data center, GDPR compliance, locality, minimization, anonymization and open APIs for data filtering. That means carriers can open up new revenue streams without losing control over the data.

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Another contender is Proximic. It uses AI contextual intelligence to reach people without identifying them. Proximic's Audience Targeting feature lets you target demographics and behavior, and Content Targeting means ads are shown next to content that's contextually relevant. The no-ID approach is better for privacy, but it also means you can monetize audiences more effectively.

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If you're looking for a privacy-first option geared for publishers, Permutive is a good option. It lets publishers reach and monetize their audience even without third-party cookies, with edge processing and privacy-by-design to keep data out of the wrong hands. Permutive lets publishers increase ad revenue and build better relationships with advertisers with targeting, real-time reporting and optimized page speed.

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Last, AdTheorent has a range of privacy-first options for predictive targeting and geo-intelligence. It uses machine learning to identify likely converters and link real-world and digital behavior without cookies. That means consumer privacy is protected, but you can still get good results out of your campaigns in a range of industries.

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