Question: I'm looking for a platform that helps healthcare marketers optimize their advertising campaigns across multiple channels.

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If you're looking for a platform to optimize your advertising campaigns across multiple channels for healthcare marketers, DeepIntent could be a good option. DeepIntent is a demand side platform that's geared specifically for pharma companies and healthcare agencies. It uses real-world health data to predict patient and HCP reach, so you can plan your campaigns more effectively and optimize in real time. The platform offers features like AI-driven campaign optimization, patient and HCP audience creation, and fast, transparent reporting.

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Another contender is Swoop, a precision healthcare marketing platform that uses AI and real-world data to create patient and HCP segments. Swoop offers high-quality audiences that are tailored to each brand's specific challenges and business objectives. It offers precise omnichannel activation, fast deployment and HIPAA-certified technology to ensure compliance. Clients have seen significant increases in script lift and patient lifetime value, so Swoop is definitely worth considering if you want to optimize your healthcare marketing.

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If you're looking for a more general digital advertising solution, AdRoll offers a full-stack platform that uses sophisticated AI and machine learning to optimize campaigns across a range of channels including display, video, native and retargeting. AdRoll's features include advanced audience modeling, dynamic creative optimization and detailed analytics and attribution. It can be used to pursue a variety of marketing goals, from increasing brand awareness to driving conversions, and can optimize campaigns to get the most out of your marketing budget.

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Last, Smartly offers an end-to-end advertising platform that automates and optimizes campaigns across a range of digital channels like Meta, Snapchat, Pinterest, TikTok and Google Marketing Platform. Smartly's features include predictive budget allocation, automated campaign management, dynamic creative optimization and actionable reporting. It's designed to simplify workflows and improve efficiency for agencies and brand marketing teams.

Additional AI Projects

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Delivers precise, privacy-safe segments of ideal patients and healthcare providers, improving audience quality and driving engagement and prescription lift.

Jivox screenshot thumbnail


Jivox delivers personalized, dynamic ads in real-time across multiple touchpoints, driving sales and revenue growth. screenshot thumbnail

Generates high-conversion-rate ad creatives, including text and visuals, using data-driven insights and AI training on a massive library of top-performing ads.

Choozle screenshot thumbnail


Automate ad campaign optimization across 10 dimensions with AI-driven adjustments, maximizing CPMs and steering spend towards desired KPIs.

Memorable screenshot thumbnail


Forecast ad performance with high accuracy, optimizing Click-Through Rate, Engagement Rate, and more, to make data-driven creative decisions in seconds.

Omneky screenshot thumbnail


Rapidly produces high-quality, on-brand ads at scale, analyzing performance data to optimize design and messaging for multiple channels and languages.

InMarket screenshot thumbnail


Activates high-CTR campaigns with real-time, location-based targeting and AI-driven predictive optimization across mobile, desktop, and Connected TV channels.

Blueshift screenshot thumbnail


Centralize customer data, automate marketing decisions, and deliver personalized experiences across channels in real-time with AI-driven decisioning and predictions.

NextRoll screenshot thumbnail


Unifies data to generate actionable insights, informing strategic marketing decisions and driving growth across multiple channels with machine learning technology.

Metadata screenshot thumbnail


Automates campaign creation and management, optimizing budget allocation and ad performance across LinkedIn, Facebook, and Google Ads in real-time.

RTB House screenshot thumbnail

RTB House

Leverages Deep Learning to build targeted marketing campaigns with dynamic ad formats, maximizing sales potential and brand loyalty at all funnel stages.

Dstillery screenshot thumbnail


Builds data-driven custom audiences for targeted advertising, using AI to predict user behavior and providing scalable, privacy-compliant solutions.

ADXL screenshot thumbnail


Streamline ad management across multiple channels with AI-optimized campaigns, automated workflows, and unified budget control, reducing workload and costs.

Hybrid screenshot thumbnail


Combines machine learning-powered tools and services for campaign planning, launch, and optimization, delivering tailored ads and precise bidding for maximum ROI.

Flashtalking screenshot thumbnail


Automates creative and media workflows, enabling real-time personalization and sophisticated automation across social, open web, and CTV channels.

Resonate screenshot thumbnail


Unlock 14,000+ predictive attributes with 80.2% mean accuracy, empowering marketers to make data-driven decisions and optimize marketing performance.

Appier screenshot thumbnail


Predicts and targets high-lifetime-value users, automates campaigns, and optimizes conversions with AI-powered tools for enhanced marketing performance and customer experiences.

Moloco screenshot thumbnail


Leverages real-time first-party data to drive accurate predictions, scalable user acquisition, and monetization, with adaptable models for optimal performance.

SegmentStream screenshot thumbnail


Optimizes revenue and ROAS by making data-driven budget decisions through predictive analytics, multi-touch attribution, and media mix modeling.

Upwave screenshot thumbnail


Optimizes brand advertising campaigns across multiple channels with real-time insights, predictive analytics, and customizable dashboards for data-driven decisions.