Swoop Alternatives

Combines AI and real-world data to build custom segments of ideal patients and healthcare providers for precision healthcare marketing and better engagement.
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If you're looking for another Swoop alternative, DeepIntent is worth a look. DeepIntent is a health demand side platform for pharmaceutical companies and health care agencies to coordinate advertising campaigns across many channels. It uses real-world health data from partners like IQVIA and Komodo Health to predict patient and HCP reach, so you can better plan and optimize. The company's AI-powered DSP, DeepIntent Copilot, optimizes campaign strategy, pre-optimizes audience mixes and maximizes media spend in a privacy-first environment.

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Another option is InMarket, a real-time marketing and measurement platform. It has a variety of solutions, including scaled audience reach, AI-powered omnichannel activation, performance measurement and actionable insights. InMarket's technology can deliver high CTRs through location-based activation and predict and optimize media across channels and devices. The company is known for delivering strong campaign performance and offers Comscore-verified data to ensure the insights are reliable.

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For businesses that need a broad data foundation and intelligence, Resonate is worth a look. The consumer data platform uses AI to provide a single view of more than 230 million profiles and 2 billion devices, with predictive data and immediate activation. With data on intent signals, psychographics and preferences, Resonate helps health and wellness companies and others in the industry optimize their marketing and drive growth.

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Last, Dstillery is a custom audience solutions company that uses AI technology to create data-driven custom audiences for advertising. Its ID-free technology gathers browsing behavior data to predict behavior and target accordingly without relying on cookies or IDs. Dstillery offers a variety of audience solutions and tools, such as Audience Brief Genius, to help brands and agencies run their advertising campaigns more effectively.

More Alternatives to Swoop

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Delivers precise, privacy-safe segments of ideal patients and healthcare providers, improving audience quality and driving engagement and prescription lift.

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Unifies marketing data across channels, providing actionable insights and AI-driven attribution to maximize ROI and inform data-driven decisions.

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Rapidly produces high-quality, on-brand ads at scale, analyzing performance data to optimize design and messaging for multiple channels and languages.

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Automates and optimizes advertising campaigns across multiple digital touchpoints, providing predictive budget allocation, automated management, and dynamic creative optimization.

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Predicts and targets high-lifetime-value users, automates campaigns, and optimizes conversions with AI-powered tools for enhanced marketing performance and customer experiences.

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Optimizes brand advertising campaigns across multiple channels with real-time insights, predictive analytics, and customizable dashboards for data-driven decisions.

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Leveraging AI, this platform delivers personalized, engaging video experiences across multiple screens and streams, amplifying brand impact and driving maximum consumer engagement.

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Optimizes audio and video ads for relevance, conversions, and ROI through AI-powered personalization and automated A/B testing, creating hundreds of targeted ad variations.

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RTB House

Leverages Deep Learning to build targeted marketing campaigns with dynamic ad formats, maximizing sales potential and brand loyalty at all funnel stages.

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Leverages AI and machine learning to optimize marketing campaigns across all channels, delivering personalized advertising and targeted audience engagement.

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Unifies internal and external data sources, providing up-to-date, referenced insights for life sciences professionals to inform decision-making across medical affairs, clinical development, and regulatory affairs.

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Discover and optimize influencer marketing campaigns with precision, leveraging a vast database and AI-powered analytics to track performance and audience insights.

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Attention Intelligence Platform

Measures attention across digital campaigns, providing real-time optimization and clear reporting to maximize ad spend and drive higher ROI.

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Drive growth with precision targeting, AI-powered optimization, and advanced attribution, while automating marketing workflows to maximize ROI.

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Combines big data with emotional and attitudinal analysis to provide a holistic view of consumer needs, ensuring high-quality data and participant responses.

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Unlock data-driven growth strategies with AI-powered insights, attributing conversions and actions across devices, and measuring ROI to optimize campaigns and increase revenue.

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Analyzes thousands of data points to optimize ad creative and campaign strategy, providing actionable insights to maximize conversions and improve ROAS.

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Delivers tailored results through predictive targeting, geo-intelligence, and cross-environment mapping, driving real-world value for advertisers across various industries.

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Centralize customer data, automate marketing decisions, and deliver personalized experiences across channels in real-time with AI-driven decisioning and predictions.

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Generates high-conversion-rate ad creatives, including text and visuals, using data-driven insights and AI training on a massive library of top-performing ads.