BLIINK is a visual intelligence company that uses deep learning and AI to build a better experience for all visual content. It offers a range of in-image ad formats and image recognition technology to ensure a smooth and engaging experience. The platform enables brands and publishers to monetize new inventory without an obtrusive ad experience.
Another option is LensAI, an AI-powered advertising platform that inserts ads into objects found within visual content. The company specializes in in-image and in-video advertising, offering premium ad placements and intelligent ads that are less intrusive and more relevant. It also respects user privacy by targeting content, not user-level identifiers, for a better user experience.
Permutive is another option. It's a privacy-first audience platform that lets publishers get more value out of their audience without sacrificing consumer privacy. It uses edge processing and privacy by design to run sensitive processing on users' devices, reducing latency and protecting data. That means publishers can generate more ad revenue and build stronger relationships with advertisers.