
Revolutionize image and video workflows with AI-powered transformations, media management, and optimization for responsive, high-quality experiences.
Media Management Image and Video Optimization AI-Powered Transformations

Cloudinary is a powerful image and video API platform that helps you simplify media management and deliver the best user experience. With automated image and video optimization, Cloudinary ensures that your users get the best experience regardless of the device or network they are using.

Built for enterprise and hyper-growth companies, Cloudinary is used by more than 2 million developers and 10,000 businesses. Its easy-to-use APIs, widgets and user interface make it easy to store, transform, optimize and deliver all your media assets.

Some of the key features of Cloudinary include:

  • AI-Powered Transformations: Use generative, LLM and content-aware AI capabilities to revolutionize image and video workflows.
  • Media Management: Manage rich-media assets with a broad library of APIs, SDKs and prebuilt widgets.
  • Image and Video Optimization: Automatically convert formats and compress files for responsive, high-quality experiences.
  • Editing and Visual Effects: Apply more than 100 types of image, video and media transformations.
  • AI and Media Intelligence: Take advantage of advanced features like visual search, smart cropping and object detection.

Cloudinary supports a wide range of use cases, including:

  • E-commerce: Scale product images and videos for high-performing shopping experiences.
  • Headless: Use a cloud-native platform with APIs and microservices for composable stacks.
  • Video: Manage the full video lifecycle with real-time transcoding, compression and transformation.

With Cloudinary, businesses can improve engagement, revenue and team efficiency. By automating complex media workflows and handling time-consuming tasks, Cloudinary frees up businesses to focus on delivering the best user experience.

Pricing is based on the needs of each business, and there is a free plan to get started. With Cloudinary, you can create amazing visual experiences in minutes using its easy-to-use tools and powerful AI capabilities. Cloudinary is great for developers, e-commerce sites and content creators who need a trusted solution to optimize and deliver rich media assets.

Published on June 23, 2024

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