Precise ad placement on relevant images using advanced image recognition technologies, enhancing user experience and revenue for brands and publishers.
Image Recognition Contextual Advertising Visual Content Optimization

BLIINK is a visual intelligence company that connects brands and publishers to deliver the best user experience across all visual content. The company's technology, powered by deep learning and artificial intelligence, can identify image elements with high accuracy, allowing for precise placement of ads.

BLIINK offers a one-stop-shop for brands and publishers, using advanced image recognition technologies such as object detection, safe detection, and celebrity recognition. This allows for the placement of contextual ads on top of relevant editorial photos, providing a seamless and engaging user experience.

  • Brands: BLIINK's visual content solution creates a deeper connection by placing ads natively where users are paying attention, offering a range of in-image formats such as in-image, in-image frame, in-image hotspot, and in-image video.
  • Publishers: Turn images into revenue by unlocking new inventory. Increase revenue from new inventory sources by placing ads within images without disrupting the user experience.
  • Key Features:
    • In-image ads with real-time synchronization
    • Image recognition technology identifying best images for UX and ROI
    • Proprietary ad server with customized algorithms
    • Machine learning for automated performance-optimized campaigns
    • Real-time analytics for data-driven decisions
  • Semantic page analysis for understanding page meaning

BLIINK offers a unique platform that enables the best possible connection between brands and publishers, providing users with the most relevant and engaging content. It offers a complete solution for maximizing revenue and engagement through advanced visual intelligence.

Please visit the BLIINK website for more information.

Published on June 24, 2024

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