If you need a service that can analyze emoji sentiment, EMOJIALL is a top contender. It supports 47 languages and has an AI-based sentiment analysis tool that categorizes emoji as positive, negative or neutral. That can be useful for understanding the emotional tone of emoji-laced messages. EMOJIALL also offers other emoji-related tools, including a dictionary, copy tool, leaderboard and even a custom emoji maker.
Another service worth a look is Symanto, which promises humanlike AI interactions with a lot of emotional intelligence. It's not specifically designed for emoji sentiment, but it can analyze text sentiment and understand emotions, so it could be useful for companies trying to personalize customer interactions and improve satisfaction.
For a broader customer feedback service, Anecdote can provide real-time insights by monitoring and analyzing feedback from sources like App Store reviews, support requests and social media posts. It uses its own Natural Language Processing Engine to spot sentiment trends and areas of dissatisfaction, making it a good option for companies trying to optimize the customer experience.