If you need a service that synchronizes chat data across accounts and stores business chats securely, ChatKnow is a good choice. It can manage multiple social media accounts, including WhatsApp and Telegram, with real-time translation for more than 200 languages. It also offers team management, customer profile management, AI chat and encrypted storage. That makes it useful for businesses with international commerce, customer service or marketing.
Another good option is Texts, which collects messages from multiple services like iMessage, WhatsApp, Telegram and others into a single inbox. It's focused on privacy, with encrypted messages and no storage of user data. Texts also has productivity features like chat summaries, canned responses and translation for making your messaging more efficient.
If you're a developer who wants to create your own messaging experience, Sendbird is a communications API platform that spans many communication channels, including chat, AI chatbots, SMS and voice and video calls. Its APIs, SDKs and UI kits are highly abstracted for different platforms. Sendbird also has a strong focus on security and compliance, which is important for enterprises.
Last, Ably is a real-time digital experience platform with APIs for live chat, data broadcasting and data synchronization. It's designed for high availability, with a 99.999% uptime SLA, and supports strong data integrity and real-time message delivery at large scale. Ably's service is used in EdTech and FinTech, among other areas, and provides a powerful foundation for secure and real-time messaging.