For understanding moviegoer behavior and predicting attendance rates, Movio is a powerful option. Movio has a range of products, including Movio Cinema EQ, Movio Media and Movio Research. Cinema EQ uses a proprietary propensity algorithm to analyze audience behavior and predict movie preferences so you can deliver personalized customer experiences and targeted campaigns. The result: an 18% uplift in clicks and a 28% uplift in revenue.
Another option is CivicScience, a broad-based consumer analytics platform. Its main use is understanding consumer behavior and brand performance, but its sophisticated AI and large-scale data collection can also be used to understand trends and preferences in an audience and inform marketing decisions and attendance predictions.
Although Nextatlas and are also good options for forecasting consumer trends and analyzing locations, they may not be directly geared for the cinema industry. Nextatlas is designed to identify early adopters and forecast consumer trends, which could help movie marketers indirectly by understanding audience behavior. uses organic consumer behavior data to measure performance and make location-based decisions, which could be used to understand moviegoer behavior in a particular area.