
Quickly build custom data products with interactive analytics abilities, leveraging AI-powered features like a no-code interface and chat assistant for effortless insights.
Data Analytics AI-Powered Analytics Customizable Business Intelligence

GoodData is a data analytics platform that uses AI to let customers quickly build custom data products with interactive analytics abilities. The platform has a range of features, including AI-powered ones like the AI Chat Assistant, a no-code user interface and the ability to embed analytics in cloud or on-premises environments.

GoodData is designed to be interactive, letting people explore data through interactive dashboards and charts through a no-code interface. It's designed to let analytics abilities be built into different processes, so people can get to data insights where they need them. The platform also includes tools for data analysts and engineers to work efficiently, like automated deployment and testing with 'Analytics-as-Code' workflows.

Among GoodData's features are:

  • Customizable Analytics: Plug-and-play integrations and flexible embedding options for easy deployment.
  • AI Chat Assistant: Lets people ask natural language questions and create or modify charts and dashboards.
  • Scalability: Automatically scales analytics to handle growing data volumes and user loads.
  • Code-Based Developer Tools: Uses 'Analytics-as-Code' workflows to automate deployment, testing and repetitive tasks.
  • Flexibility for Data Analysts: Offers agility and skill improvement through 'explain' functionality and small code edits.
  • User-Friendly Interface: Lets non-technical people get to and analyze data.

GoodData is geared for a variety of roles, including:

  • Analytics Engineers: Can have flexibility and customization of “everything as code” with API and SDKs.
  • Data Analysts: Can have agility and skill improvement through 'explain' functionality and code edits.
  • Consumers: Can have ease of use and AI-supported discovery through the FlexAI chatbot, auto-forecasting and clustering.

The company offers a 30-day free trial so you can try it out and see how it works. Pricing information is available after requesting a demo and discussing your business needs with GoodData experts.

Published on June 29, 2024

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