Earth Engine Apps

Interactive, publicly accessible apps for Earth Engine analysis, enabling non-experts to easily explore and visualize Earth observation data and tools.
Environmental Monitoring Geographic Information Systems Data Visualization

Earth Engine Apps offers interactive, publicly accessible user interfaces for Earth Engine analysis. These apps are designed to make it easier for people to use Earth Engine data and tools. The service offers a curated collection of apps for different use cases, each with its own set of features and functionality.

Some of the apps include:

  • Ocean Timeseries Investigator: Plot MODIS ocean surface temperature.
  • Linked Maps: Interact with multiple Landsat visualizations at the same time.
  • Split Panel: Show two maps split by a wipe-style separator.
  • Mosaic Editor: Explore the effect of mosaicking different Landsat 8 TOA images using ee.Reducer.median().
  • Global Population Explorer: Explore global population using GHSL population density estimates for 2015.
  • Global Forest Change Explorer: Explore Hansen et al.'s global forest change data.

Earth Engine Apps lets you explore Earth Engine data more easily without having to be a programming expert, opening it up to a wider audience. You can check out these apps and more on their website.

Published on July 23, 2024

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