C3 Metrics

Provides real-time insights into media spending and its impact through multi-touch attribution, cookie-less tracking, and advanced data ingest and quality assurance.
Ad Creation Media Analytics Attribution Modeling

C3 Metrics is a measurement and analytics partner geared for big advertisers, offering a more nuanced view of what they're getting out of their advertising spending. The company's technology is a sophisticated system that uses AI and machine learning to provide real-time insights so advertisers can understand their media spending and its impact.

C3 Metrics is best suited for programs with $10+ million annual media budgets, with a presence across six or more touchpoints with both display and digital. Also benefiting are teams with experience with more advanced analytics tools, since C3 Metrics offers more advanced reporting.

Among its features are:

  • Multi-touch attribution: Assigns fractional credit to results for a given channel or media type.
  • Cookie-less tracking: Designed to comply with privacy regulations so client data isn't compromised or biased.
  • Advanced data ingest and quality assurance: Designed to ensure accurate reporting and avoid errors.
  • Client-specific models: Built to meet the needs of individual clients, offering very detailed reporting on media performance and efficiency.

C3 Metrics also offers the Attribution Data Cloud, which gathers data from a client's website and from partners, tracks conversions and offers analytics and reporting through dashboards and data feeds. The system is designed to help advertisers optimize their media spending and achieve better efficiency.

C3 Metrics has delivered results for its clients, typically finding 15%+ in savings or efficiency improvements in media spending. The company's technology and focus on client success are what set it apart from other options.

To learn more about C3 Metrics, check out their website.

Published on July 31, 2024

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