
Accelerate hiring with skills tests and assessments for 500+ jobs, shortlisting candidates up to 85% faster with real-world skills evaluation.
Recruitment Solutions Talent Acquisition Assessment and Evaluation Tools

Adaface offers a variety of skills tests and assessments that can help employers find the best candidate for more than 500 jobs. Its assessments are designed to test real-world skills, not just knowledge or trick questions, and can help employers shortlist candidates up to 85% faster.

Adaface offers assessments in:

  • Programming: Coding tests for 35+ programming languages, 20+ frameworks and cloud skills.
  • Cognitive: Assess problem-solving and fluid intelligence with 100+ aptitude tests.
  • Business: Assess key business skills like data analysis, Excel, SQL, Scrum and project management.
  • Typing: Assess typing speed, accuracy and attention to detail for data entry and administrative roles.
  • Personality: Assess key personality traits for a good culture fit with scientifically validated tests.
  • Languages: Assess language proficiency in English, French, German, Spanish, Italian and more for global teams.
  • Finance: Assess the best financial analysts and accountants with key skills required for these roles.

Conversational assessments use intelligent chatbots to engage candidates and assess them for specific roles. The approach is designed to give candidates a good experience while maintaining objectivity in the hiring process. Features like one-click invites, anti-cheating measures and automated scorecards streamline the hiring process.

Adaface integrates with popular ATS software so hiring teams can manage candidate pipelines and collaborate more easily. More than 1500 companies in 80+ countries use Adaface, which means it's a scalable solution for employers big or small.

Pricing isn't publicly disclosed but can be requested. You can try Adaface to see how it can help you find the best candidate with the most efficient and accurate shortlisting.

Published on June 14, 2024

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