If you want a platform to build a single source of truth for your company's information and policies, Tettra is a top choice. This AI-infused knowledge base and knowledge management software lets employees find and contribute company information. It can deliver immediate AI-powered answers, create content and perform semantic search that can free up hours of employee time spent answering the same questions over and over. Onboarding can also be faster. Tettra integrates with common communication tools like Slack, Microsoft Teams and Google Workspace and has strong security controls.
Another top contender is Glean, an AI assistant platform that uses a company's own data to generate answers with technology like Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG). It combines all enterprise data into a single knowledge graph that can provide personalized answers based on user identity and tasks. Glean offers a range of tools, including Glean Apps for custom AI agents and assistants, and a scalable architecture with auditing controls. That makes it a good fit for engineering, support and sales teams.
If you prefer a more conversational interface, check out Gleen. This generative AI platform uses GPT-4 and machine learning to provide accurate and relevant answers, automate tasks and house knowledge. It offers customizable Action Bots and a single knowledge base that can draw information from multiple sources. It can be integrated with help desks, messengers and other tools. Gleen is designed to improve productivity and efficiency for teams like customer success, sales and IT help desk.
Last, QueryPal offers an AI-powered information retrieval system that can answer repetitive questions on the fly. It can be integrated with company documents to generate reports and answers in real-time and supports role-based access control for security. QueryPal's AI chatbot can be updated in real-time and integrates with Slack and Microsoft Teams, making it a good fit for teams looking to improve communication and streamline access to documentation.