
Extract answers from various documents and multimedia files, including PDFs, YouTube videos, and audio files, through conversational interactions.
Document Analysis Multimodal Interaction Information Retrieval

ChatDox is an AI-powered service that lets you chat with a wide variety of documents and multimedia files. It can quickly extract answers from documents you upload, including PDFs, YouTube videos, audio and video files.

ChatDox has a number of features:

  • Chat with Documents: Talk to PDF, DOCX, TXT and CSV files.
  • Chat with YouTube: Paste YouTube links and ask questions from the video.
  • Chat with Website: Talk to any website directly.
  • Chat with Audio: Upload audio files and ask questions.
  • Chat with Video: Upload video files and ask questions.
  • Add Custom Categories: Expand answers with custom categories.
  • Multilingual: Get answers in your native language.
  • Drag & Capture: Interact with embedded images.
  • Live Support: Get help from the support team, including a Discord server.
  • API Integration: Read documents with your own custom API integration.

ChatDox is geared for students, researchers, teachers, lawyers, HR people, YouTubers and podcasters who need to chat with information from different sources.

Pricing tiers include:

  • Free: $0/month, good for startups, with 2 users.
  • Basic: $59/month, good for companies, with unlimited users.
  • Premium: $69/month, good for businesses, with unlimited users.

ChatDox promises to make you more productive and accurate with AI answers, and it's well suited for anyone who needs to quickly extract information from lots of different sources.

Published on June 13, 2024

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