If you're looking for an all-purpose platform to analyze employee behavior and boost productivity, Insightful is a top contender. This workforce analytics tool includes tools for productivity management, time and attendance, operations, and technology usage. It can help you understand how teams work together, boost focus time and reduce burnout, and is designed for use with remote and hybrid teams. With enterprise-level security and pricing that starts with a demo, Insightful is good for companies large or small.
Another strong contender is ActivTrak, which uses digital work activity data to improve productivity and engagement. It includes dashboards for monitoring productivity metrics, workload and productivity coaching. It works with in-office and remote workers, offers a variety of pricing tiers and has a strong commitment to data privacy and security so companies can strike the right balance between productivity and employee privacy.
If you want a more employee experience-focused approach, check out Culture Amp. The company uses generative AI to convert people and business data into insights. Its main features include employee engagement surveys, performance management and continuous development reviews. With integrations with Slack and Microsoft Teams, Culture Amp is designed to help leaders and HR teams effect positive change and improve innovation, customer satisfaction and profitability.
Last, Perceptyx offers a platform to gather and analyze employee feedback and provide insights that can lead to business results. Customizable surveys and AI-powered analytics help companies build a culture of continuous improvement and drive business results through inclusion and strategic insights. The platform can help amplify employee engagement and improve retention.