
Unlock employee insights and drive business results with AI-powered analytics, transforming complex data into actionable insights for meaningful change.
Employee Experience Management Human Resource Management Workforce Analytics

Perceptyx is a platform that helps organizations improve employee experiences and drive business results by unlocking employee insights and turning them into action. With fully customizable surveys and visualization tools, organizations can get a deeper understanding of their workforce and create a culture of continuous improvement.

Perceptyx helps solve the problem of turning employee feedback into real business results. It gives HR leaders the ability to move beyond the traditional post-survey action planning that can be burdensome for managers and doesn't engage the entire workforce. Instead, the platform uses AI-powered analytics to transform complex data into actionable insights, so managers can inspire change and create a culture of development.

Some of the key features include:

  • Listen: Collect feedback from across the organization through a variety of survey types, including point-in-time surveys, lifecycle events, crowdsourcing and 360 feedback.
  • Analyze: Discover unique data stories with AI-driven analytics that are aligned to business and talent priorities.
  • Activate: Inspire change with science-backed nudges and personalized recommendations.
  • Change: Measure and achieve tangible outcomes that reflect the strength of employee experience transformation efforts.

Perceptyx is built for organizations that want to create a workplace that is thriving, empower leaders, drive success through inclusion and shape the future through strategic insights. With Perceptyx, companies can amplify employee engagement, improve retention and create a culture of continuous improvement.

Real-world Perceptyx users have reported the platform's actionable insights and comprehensive approach to driving employee experience transformation. With Perceptyx, organizations can close the gap between employee feedback and real change, ultimately creating a more dynamic and agile organization that can tackle tomorrow's challenges.

For more information, please visit the Perceptyx website.

Published on June 25, 2024

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