If you want a car that learns your preferences and adapts to your behavior, the AFEELA project is a good starting point. It uses a combination of sensing technology and AI to personalize the driving experience and in-car environment. With a conversational Mobility Personal Agent, immersive entertainment, noise cancellation and adaptive Level 2/2+ driver assistance, AFEELA is designed to make your drive more enjoyable and comfortable. The open development environment means that it can be continuously improved and updated through software releases.
Another interesting project is Mojio, which offers a connected car platform that converts vehicle data into insights and services. The platform is designed to be scalable, low-latency and secure, and works with a wide variety of vehicles from many manufacturers. Mojio's Intelligence Toolkit uses machine learning to offer personalized services, for example helping you save money on fuel, insurance and maintenance.
If you're interested in autonomous vehicles, Wayve has developed more advanced autonomous vehicle technology based on embodied AI. Its AV2.0 technology uses a single neural network to process raw sensor data, which enables mapless autonomy and the ability to scale to new environments easily. The technology can learn your behavior, making your rides more efficient and reliable.