
Unlocks the full potential of car data monetization, providing actionable insights and services for a smarter, safer, and more convenient car ownership experience.
Connected Car Solutions Vehicle Data Analytics Automotive IoT

Mojio's connected car solutions turn data into scalable services for its partners and customers. The company designs, develops and delivers a variety of mobility solutions for customers including mobile network operators and automotive OEMs. The result is a smarter, safer and more convenient car ownership experience.

Mojio's platform is designed to be globally scalable, with millions of connected vehicles, low latency and actionable insights. The platform includes:

  • Telematics Engine: Processes data and provides vehicle insights.
  • Mobility Studio: Allows for easy integration of automotive data into new and existing mobile apps and services.
  • Services Ecosystem: Integrates with trusted third-party providers to offer a wide range of services such as roadside assistance, vehicle maintenance and parking reservations.
  • Intelligence Toolkit: Uses machine learning to provide actionable insights from connected mobility data, with privacy and security built in.

Mojio partners with leading automotive data and service providers to help unlock the full potential of car data monetization while providing an invaluable customer experience. This partnership helps customers save money on big-ticket items like fuel, insurance and maintenance.

Mojio's solutions support a broad range of vehicles, including those manufactured since 1996 in North America and 2001 in Europe, as well as hybrid, plug-in hybrid and electric vehicles. The platform is vehicle and hardware agnostic, ensuring long-term value and avoiding vendor lock-in.

Some of the key use cases for Mojio include:

  • Mobile Network Operators: Provides smarter vehicle ownership experiences for subscribers.
  • Automotive OEMs: Offers flexible and cost-effective connected car services.
  • Fleet Operators: Uses driver behavior monitoring data to inform business and hiring decisions.
  • Consumers: Manages vehicles, improves safety and convenience with real-time insights and services.

Pricing is not disclosed, but customers can contact Mojio to discuss their specific business needs and goals. With a focus on scalability, security and hardware agnosticism, Mojio offers a solid foundation for businesses looking to integrate connected car solutions.

Published on June 27, 2024

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