Eclipse AI

Aggregates omnichannel customer data for actionable insights, driving retention and revenue through centralized, location-specific, and AI-powered analysis.
Customer Experience Management Voice of Customer Analytics Omnichannel Data Integration

Eclipse AI aggregates and analyzes omnichannel voice of customer data across multiple channels. It gives you visibility and actionable insights to drive retention and revenue.

Eclipse AI centralizes customer interactions from multiple sources, giving you a consistent customer experience across all locations. Some of its key features include:

  • Omnichannel Data Analysis: Aggregate customer interactions from multiple channels and locations into one place for analysis.
  • Location-Specific Insights: Analyze customer interactions for each location to identify local problems and tailor services.
  • AI-Powered Decision-Making: Get real-time AI-driven actionable intelligence to drive customer retention and growth.
  • Time-Saving Integration: Connect to over 50 tools like customer survey software and review platforms.

Eclipse AI is designed to free businesses from hours of manual analysis so they can focus on taking action based on the insights they get. Customers can expect a significant reduction in customer support emails and an increase in portfolio profitability. The platform can integrate with a variety of sources, including online and app reviews, surveys, customer emails and audio/video calls.

Pricing is flexible:

  • Free: $0 per month, includes 1 user and limited features.
  • Basic: $39 per month (billed annually), includes 3 users and more features.
  • Professional: $99 per month (billed annually), includes 5 users and advanced features.

If you're looking for a way to streamline and make sense of your customer voice data, Eclipse AI can help you maintain consistency across multiple locations and channels. Its ease of use and quality of support have earned it high ratings from customers.

Published on June 13, 2024

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