
Automates customer support with conversational chatbots, providing fast and accurate answers in multiple languages, and seamless handovers to human agents.
Customer Service Automation Chatbot Development Multilingual Support

alphachat is a conversational AI platform that automates customer support. It lets you add conversational chatbots to your website with live chat integration so you can give customers automated answers in multiple languages.

alphachat uses natural language understanding to give customers the right answers to their questions, so they get help fast and get their problems solved. The service is geared for companies that want to run their customer service operations more efficiently, with a focus on improving resolution rates and reducing the workload for human agents.

Among alphachat's features are:

  • Multi-Lingual Support: It's trained on all languages, so the chatbot will give the right answers regardless of what language the customer is using.
  • Live Chat Integration: It's integrated with a built-in live chat system for easy handovers to humans.
  • Authentication and Personalization: It can authenticate customers using standard login systems and give them personalized answers.
  • API and Custom Code: It lets you use AlphaOS to tap into your own data systems and automate other tasks.
  • Customizable Chat Widget: It comes with a visual editor for styling chat widgets with your own look and content.

alphachat is best suited for companies where customer support is a big part of their business, like telecoms and banks. It can help companies handle a high volume of customer requests by automating routine tasks and letting human agents handle more complex issues.

alphachat pricing starts at €399 per month for the Standard package, which includes one Intelligent Virtual Assistant, one live chat license and up to 3,000 chats per month. The Enterprise package offers more features and customization options, with pricing that varies depending on specific needs.

With alphachat, companies can automate their customer support and offer customers 24/7 support in any language, which can lead to higher customer satisfaction.

Published on June 9, 2024

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