
Automatically resolves over 70% of customer service requests with personalized, accurate, and safe answers, reducing operational costs and boosting customer satisfaction.
Customer Service Automation AI-powered Chatbots Automated Resolution Measurement

Ada is an AI-powered customer service automation platform that moves beyond basic, scripted chatbots with AI-powered customer service. It lets businesses onboard, measure, and coach a high-performing AI Agent to automatically resolve over 70% of customer service requests. By integrating with existing knowledge bases and data from critical business systems, Ada's AI Agent offers personalized answers to customer questions, ensuring they get the right, accurate and safe information.

Ada's Reasoning Engine, the heart of the platform, reasons through the best answer to provide responses. The AI Agent is trained from multiple sources and can handle new situations better than scripted chatbots. The result is faster resolution times, lower operational costs and higher customer satisfaction.

Some of the key features of Ada include:

  • Voice and Email Automation: Integrate AI phone automation and email support with the same knowledge content and AI management tools.
  • Multi-Language Support: Support customers in more than 50 languages across multiple channels.
  • Automated Resolution Measurement: See where you can improve and measure the success of automated resolutions.
  • AI Coaching: Offer feedback to help the AI Agent perform better and stay on brand and business track.
  • Channel Expansion: Expand AI support to web, mobile, social, SMS and phone channels.

Ada's AI-powered platform has helped businesses achieve impressive results, including:

  • 2x increase in Automated Resolution Rate
  • $2.7 million in annual savings
  • 5x ROI in just 12 months

Ada's flexibility and scalability make it adaptable to a broad range of industries, including e-commerce, fintech, SaaS, gaming and more. By using Ada's sophisticated AI technology, businesses can improve customer satisfaction, lower operational costs and deliver a better customer service experience. To learn more, visit Ada's website.

Published on June 21, 2024

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