If you want a tool that'll give you crime maps and scores for cities around the country, CrimeGrade is a great choice. The site offers neighborhood-level crime data for the US, combining statistical calculations and machine learning techniques to let you see crime rates at the neighborhood level. You can type in your zip code to get crime maps and grades for your city, along with detailed data on different serious crimes. That's great for home buyers, home owners and researchers looking for neutral, detailed analysis.
Another tool worth checking is Flock Safety. Although it's geared for law enforcement and communities, the site's License Plate Recognition (LPR) cameras, gunshot detection and video intelligence can make a community safer with 24/7 monitoring and evidence gathering. It's a one-stop platform for all public safety needs, so it can be a good tool for improving safety and investigating/solving crimes.
If you're into GIS mapping and spatial analysis, Esri has a powerful platform for location intelligence and competitive advantage through a combination of location analytics and machine learning. It includes tools for GIS mapping, spatial analysis and 3D visualization so you can make decisions in real time and perform predictive modeling in a variety of industries.