Google Maps Platform

Unlock location-based insights and enhance user experiences with customizable, real-time maps, routes, and geospatial data for informed decision-making.
Location-Based Services Mapping and GIS API Integration

Google Maps Platform is a collection of location and mapping products that can help businesses build location data into their apps and websites. It includes a variety of APIs and SDKs for different industries, designed to improve user engagement and help businesses make better decisions.

Google Maps Platform is particularly useful for retail, transportation and logistics, financial services and real estate companies, with features like local information, asset tracking, route optimization, immersive experiences and address autocompletion.

Some of the key features of Google Maps Platform include:

  • Aerial View API: Amaze users with pre-rendered, 3D cinematic video of points of interest and their surroundings.
  • Dynamic Maps: Customize and style interactive maps using Cloud-based maps styling for real-time updates across all devices and platforms.
  • Compute Routes API: Offer turn-by-turn directions with real-time traffic for transit, biking, driving, 2-wheel motorized vehicles, or walking between multiple locations.
  • Autocomplete API: Help users quickly find the exact place they’re looking for by automatically suggesting businesses and points of interest as they type.
  • Geolocation API: Get the location of a device without relying on GPS, using geospatial data from cell towers and WiFi nodes.

Google Maps Platform can be used in a variety of ways:

  • Find the best location: Help customers find and visit the nearest store, ATM, restaurant, auto shop, medical office, and more.
  • Visualize data: Display or analyze geospatial data on a map to help customers make decisions.
  • Provide local information: Understand what's nearby to simplify decisions like where to shop, visit, or live.
  • Enable asset tracking: Dynamically track and visualize moving assets.
  • Offer efficient routes: Quickly and efficiently route people or goods from A to B.

Google Maps Platform pricing includes a free tier of $200 usage monthly, with more detailed pricing information available on the website.

Google Maps Platform has helped businesses improve customer experiences and operations, including:

  • Domino's Indonesia: Using Google Maps Platform APIs to maintain a 30-minute delivery pledge and provide key insights in their search for new shop locations.
  • Costa Coffee: Providing personalized service with Google Maps Platform, even on a global scale.
  • Redfin: Speeding up the buying and selling process with map-based search tools.

By using Google Maps Platform, businesses can build reliable, global maps that offer detailed, customizable visualizations and real-time data to engage users and help them make informed decisions.

Published on July 11, 2024

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