Data Commons

Aggregates and makes accessible 240 billion data points from 193 countries, providing graphical exploration and download tools for complex data analysis.
Data Aggregation Data Visualization Big Data Analytics

Data Commons is a Google project that aggregates publicly available data from around the internet and makes it useful and easy to use. The tool draws data from 193 countries, 110,000 cities and 5,000 states and provinces, and covers a broad range of subjects including economics, demographics, health, sustainability, education, housing and justice.

Among Data Commons' features:

  • Explore Data: The tool includes several tools to explore data graphically, including a map explorer, scatter plots, timelines and a place explorer to dig into the data.
  • Data Download: You can download data for your own analysis or to use in your own projects.
  • Statistical Variable Explorer: You can learn about each statistical variable, including metadata and observations.
  • Place Explorer: You can look at demographic, economic and education data for a given location, such as a city, zip code, county, state or country.
  • Integration with Other Tools: Data Commons is integrated with other tools like the Knowledge Graph and Timelines Explorer to give you more ways to explore data and present it graphically.

Data Commons is designed to make complex data more useful across different domains, especially in science, policy and journalism. By providing cleaned and preprocessed data through cloud-based programming interfaces, it's easier to incorporate data into your own projects.

Data Commons draws data from sources including the World Health Organization, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, United States Census Bureau and Eurostat. With 240 billion data points and 260,000 variables, Data Commons is a useful tool for anyone who wants to dig into big data. You can use the tools and APIs to tap into the data, but the company doesn't reveal pricing details.

For more details and to use the tool, check the Data Commons site.

Published on July 10, 2024

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