
Analyze crime rates block-by-block with unbiased data, detailed maps, and smart processing, providing a reliable and accurate view of neighborhood safety.
Crime Analysis Neighborhood Safety Assessment Location-Based Data Analytics

CrimeGrade offers a block-by-block look at crime rates in neighborhoods across the United States. The service combines statistical processing and machine learning techniques to score neighborhoods as safe or dangerous. You can enter your zip code to see crime maps and scores for your city.

CrimeGrade offers a lot of data, including grades and maps for violent and property crimes. It breaks it down into maps that show crime rates for each neighborhood. The service's statistical processing and machine learning techniques help fill in gaps and correct for errors in police department reporting.

Among CrimeGrade's features:

  • Unbiased Data: CrimeGrade offers crime data without spin, so you get a fair and accurate view.
  • Deeper analysis: The service offers statistics and maps for every neighborhood, not just a few blocks. That means you can see crime rates at a more detailed level than with other services.
  • Smart data processing: Machine learning and other data processing techniques help fill in gaps in the data and correct for reporting errors, so the data is more reliable.

CrimeGrade is useful for anyone who wants to assess the safety of different neighborhoods, including:

  • Homebuyers: See how safe a neighborhood is before you buy a house there.
  • Homeowners: See how crime rates in your neighborhood are changing.
  • Researchers: Get detailed crime data for studies or other research.

You can license data if you want to build CrimeGrade's data into your own system, for example to set insurance rates or score leads. The service also offers home security advice based on its own analysis of the industry.

Overall, CrimeGrade is a useful tool for anyone who wants to get a better handle on crime rates in the United States.

Published on July 11, 2024

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