If you're looking for a tool that offers crime analysis and safety ratings at the neighborhood level, CrimeGrade is a good option. The system offers neighborhood-by-neighborhood crime data for the entire United States through the combination of statistical computation and machine learning. You can enter your zip code to get crime maps and grades, as well as more detailed crime data. CrimeGrade offers an objective assessment of crime rates at a local level, which can be useful for homebuyers, home sellers and researchers. The service also offers home security advice based on its analysis of industry data.
Another good option is Flock Safety, which offers a broader platform for evidence gathering and situational awareness. It uses License Plate Recognition (LPR) cameras, gunshot detection and video intelligence to make communities safer. Flock Safety is geared for law enforcement, businesses, property managers, schools and homeowners associations, with 24/7 monitoring and expert support. This could be a good option for people who want a more powerful, community-based option for neighborhood safety.
For a more integrated real estate service, check out Flyhomes. Although it's mostly geared for AI-powered home buying and selling, it also includes neighborhood profiles and real-time updates. Flyhomes offers a full search service that factors in things like seismic risk, air quality and noise pollution. This could be useful for homebuyers who want to get a better sense of their neighborhood.
Last, Spatial.ai offers a customer segmentation service that gauges performance and makes location-based decisions based on organic consumer behavior data. Although geared for marketers, Spatial.ai can also be used for location-based decisions, such as gauging consumer interest in brands and media by geography. This could be useful for those who want to understand neighborhood dynamics and consumer behavior.