
Analyzes property documents, reports, and photos to provide personalized home profiles, instant cost estimates, and negotiation assistance for informed buying decisions.
Real Estate Analysis Property Valuation Homebuyer Assistance

HomeScore is designed to help serious buyers make more informed decisions by giving them a better understanding of properties. It analyzes documents, reports, photos and floor plans to match properties with a buyer's lifestyle and risk profile.

HomeScore uses AI to give buyers more useful information so they can make a more informed decision. Buyers can take a 2-minute quiz to set their preferences, then upload relevant home inspection reports for analysis. The result is a personalized home profile that answers questions like how much a repair or new installation will cost, whether there are health risks and how kid-friendly a property is.

Among HomeScore's features are:

  • Instant Cost Estimates: Gives buyers an estimate of how much it will cost to repair a home's roof or install a new air conditioning system.
  • Property Deep-Dives: Gives buyers a detailed look at a home's systems and lifestyle factors.
  • Offer Strategy and Inspection Guidance: Helps buyers understand what's going on in the buying process.
  • Negotiation Assistance: Helps buyers negotiate a better deal based on HomeScore's property profile.

HomeScore is designed to help buyers avoid surprises when they become homeowners by spotting needed repairs and letting buyers compare properties based on their own priorities. It can be used to find out how well each property fits specific needs, like proximity to work or schools or the ability to work from home.

For sellers and agents, HomeScore offers a verification process to help them set a higher sales price and speed up closings by giving buyers a better idea of a property's quality.

HomeScore offers tiered pricing:

  • Starter: Free, with one property analysis and limited features.
  • Basic: $4.99, with five property analysis, side-by-side property comparisons and live collaboration.

HomeScore hopes to make the homebuying process more transparent, understandable and less stressful by giving buyers more personalized and actionable information along the way.

Published on June 9, 2024

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