If you're looking for a chatbot that can help spot early signs of dementia or age-related conditions in older people, SeniorTalk is a good choice. This AI-powered chatbot is designed to keep older people company and offer them support, helping to combat loneliness and social isolation with personalized conversations. It uses machine learning to spot early signs of dementia and age-related conditions by analyzing writing style, grammar and word choice. It works on desktop computers and mobile devices and can be integrated with smart speakers and digital assistants like Alexa and Google Assistant, making it useful for senior living centers and older people.
Another possibility is AiWatchfulCompanion, which offers remote safety, health and monitoring for people of all ages. It isn't specifically geared for dementia, but it has a range of features that can help caregivers check in on and communicate with their loved ones remotely. That includes continuous video access, alerts and health checks that can help reduce the anxiety and uncertainty of caregiving from afar.