
Scrapes and blends data from websites, PDFs, and videos to build context-aware chatbots without requiring programming code.
Chatbot Development Automated Support Knowledge Management

Genai is a platform for building chatbots by scraping and blending data from websites, PDFs and videos. That lets people create chatbots that understand context without having to write any programming code.

Genai's core job is to link together multiple sources of data to build a knowledge base for a chatbot. You can pick data from different sources and combine them to build a powerful AI chatbot that can respond to questions based on the data you've given it.

Some of the other features include:

  • Context-aware chatbots: Responds to user input based on the data you've integrated.
  • Automate support: Offers AI support 24/7 to boost customer satisfaction and cut support costs.
  • Learning tool: Improves video and podcast navigation so you can find what you need.
  • Knowledge sharing: Train chatbots with your own knowledge and share them with others.
  • Customization: Customize the look and feel of chatbots to fit your own brand.
  • API integration: Allows you to further customize the chatbot experience.
  • Security: Protects data privacy and security.

Pricing tiers are designed to accommodate different customers:

  • Free: $0/month, 1 chatbot, 28 messages/month, basic analytics and monetization.
  • Indie: $8/month, 1 chatbot, 800 messages/month, monetization and a GPT-3.5-turbo model.
  • Starter: $28/month, 2 chatbots, 2,800 messages/month and a GPT-4o model.
  • Pro: $89/month, 8 chatbots, 10,000 messages/month, advanced model, API access and advanced security.
  • Unlimited: $440/month, 20 chatbots, 100,000 messages/month, app integrations and early access to new features.

Genai is designed to be easy to use to get chatbots up and running, which makes it a good option for individuals, startups and businesses that want to improve support and learning. Its ease of use and tiered pricing means it's available to a broad range of customers.

Published on June 13, 2024

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