
Tracks job changes at scale, automating follow-up actions and lead enrollment, to help you reach customers at the right time and increase pipeline.
Sales Workflow Automation Account Prioritization Customer Success Management

UserGems also helps pipeline and churn by tracking changes to the jobs of important customers and automating follow-up actions. The service lets you track job changes at large scale, integrate with your CRM and automatically enroll leads into existing sequences. It's good for prospecting and ABM account prioritization, too, so you can reach customers at the right time.

UserGems points out that previous customers convert 3X better than regular leads, and new executives spend 70% of their budget in the first 100 days. And most companies miss 50% of important buyers in their accounts, so UserGems can be useful for keeping up with changes. The service integrates with your CRM and other tools, so it's easy to get started and train your team.

Among its features:

  • Champion Tracking: Alerts when champions leave and new executives join accounts so you can keep in touch with important contacts.
  • New Hires and Promotions: Tracks important new hires and promotions, automatically enrolling them into sequences and campaigns.
  • Meeting Assistant: Tracks and enriches new contacts from your calendar and adds them to Salesforce.
  • Data Quality: Industry-leading data accuracy with a refresh every 2-4 weeks to ensure your data stays fresh.

UserGems also offers a smooth experience for your team, with dedicated Customer Success and Revenue Ops experts from onboarding to ongoing support. It's geared for revenue teams that want to increase pipeline and decrease churn, using job change signals to automate follow-up actions. If you want to improve your sales workflow and keep up with customer changes, UserGems is worth a look.

Published on July 2, 2024

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