
Enrich user data with 15+ company attributes, including name, industry, and employee count, to personalize marketing and segment users for improved engagement.
Data Enrichment Customer Segmentation Hyper-Personalization

Seethrough offers B2B data enrichment services geared for startups to better understand their users and grow their business. With access to more than 20 million detailed company profiles, you can personalize your product and segment your users more effectively.

Seethrough enriches user data with up to 15 key company attributes, including company name, year founded, NAICS industry codes, employee count and more. This means you can build hyper-personalized marketing emails and find the best user segments. By using these attributes, companies can improve customer engagement and retention.

Some of the key features include:

  • Data Enrichment: Enrich user data with detailed company profiles.
  • Hyper-Personalization: Build targeted marketing emails with company attributes.
  • Segmentation Analysis: Find high-retention user segments based on attributes.
  • Auto-fill Forms: Pre-populate fields to reduce friction and improve signup conversion rates.
  • Unlimited Re-enrichment: Re-enrich company contacts without extra cost.

Pricing is geared for startups:

  • Starter Plan: $10/month for 200 enrichments at $0.05/enrichment, good for bootstrapped founders.
  • Pro Plan: $30/month for 1000 enrichments at $0.03/enrichment, good for growing startups.

Both plans come with unlimited re-enrichment, email support and access to all 15+ attributes. Seethrough prioritizes privacy, gathering data from publicly available sources and enriching it with Large Language Models (LLMs), and it doesn't store any personally identifiable user information.

Seethrough is geared for early-stage startups and bootstrapped founders, with a simple pricing structure and easy integration to help you better understand your users and grow your business.

Published on June 30, 2024

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