
Ensure accurate podcast ad delivery and measurement with automated verification and attribution tools.
Ad Verification Campaign Management Podcast Advertising Optimization

Podscribe is an end-to-end platform designed to help advertisers, agencies and publishers ensure podcast ads are delivered and measured correctly. It offers automated ad verification, measurement, reporting and attribution tools to ensure ads are delivered as intended and impressions are counted correctly. The platform is designed to improve podcast advertising by offering a variety of features that make it easier to manage campaign performance and attribution.

Some of the key features of Podscribe include:

  • Pixel-Based Attribution: Users can set lookback windows, customize attribution models and see real-time conversion data to better understand what's working and why.
  • Verification: Automated airchecks for every placement, ad read and impression help catch errors before they affect performance. Users get alerts about ad errors and can verify impressions without uploading CSV files.
  • Automated Reporting: Real-time, multi-touch reporting saves time and lets people scale campaigns. Reports are IAB-certified, customizable and exportable.
  • Incrementality Testing: Measure the true incremental lift of podcast advertising and optimize campaigns based on shows that drive net new customers.
  • Discovery & Competitive Intel: Research and plan advertising campaigns with detailed show demographics, ad loads, renewal rates and competitive intelligence.
  • Campaign Planning: Create data-backed plans with tools to analyze net new reach, audience overlap and more.

Podscribe is designed to give people insights that can help them make better decisions in the world of podcast advertising. By automating some tasks and providing accurate attribution, the platform is designed to help advertisers and publishers get the most out of their spending.

Published on July 11, 2024

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