
Measures the true, incremental impact of marketing strategies on business growth, combining attribution, incrementality modeling, and matched market testing for accurate decision-making.
Marketing Measurement Multi-Touch Attribution Incrementality Modeling

Overstory is a comprehensive marketing measurement platform that helps you measure the true, incremental impact of your marketing strategies on business growth. It combines three key elements: Multi-Touch Attribution, Incrementality Modeling and Matched Market Testing.

With Multi-Touch Attribution, you can estimate the true, incremental impact of each touchpoint in a customer's journey. That means you can move beyond multiple, conflicting ROIs and instead use a single customer journey model.

Incrementality Modeling gives you a fast, granular view of the iROI contribution across your entire marketing mix. The AI-trained model provides insights into the impact weight and time to impact.

Matched Market Testing lets you test the incremental lift of any channel or campaign. It automatically finds matched markets using the robust Difference of Differences methodology, so you can run scalable tests with lift percentages for custom success metrics and iROI impact.

Overstory is designed to help businesses achieve profitable growth by making measurement accurate and actionable. With these tools, you can trust what you're measuring and make decisions to drive incremental growth.

Published on July 17, 2024

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