If you want to quickly find your local representatives and speak your mind in the political process, Resistbot could be a good choice. This chatbot interface lets citizens contact federal, state or local representatives with a text message. It also can draft letters based on bill numbers or news articles, join organizer-organized campaigns and check voter registration. It's already sent more than 30 million letters, boosting voter turnout.
Another good option is BillTrack50, an all-purpose legislative tracker. The service lets you track and share federal and state legislation with a powerful search interface and sophisticated filtering. It also offers daily alerts, AI-generated summaries of bills, and customizable grids to organize your legislative research. BillTrack50 offers a level of service for students, citizens and professionals.
If you need more sophisticated legislative tracking and stakeholder collaboration, Plural offers a more powerful service. It uses AI to analyze bill text and send alerts, automated bill summaries and collaborative workspaces. Plural is geared for advocacy groups, businesses and other organizations that want to stay up to speed and make informed decisions about public policy.