
AI-powered routing engine analyzes user requests and routes them based on priority, intent, language, and sentiment to deliver exceptional customer service.
Contact Center Solutions Customer Experience Management AI-powered Customer Service

tryvium is a cloud-based contact center solution that helps improve employee and customer satisfaction. With AI technology, the platform offers powerful self-service options and intelligent agent tools to deliver exceptional service and actionable insights for continuous improvement.

tryvium helps businesses transform their contact centers into customer experience centers. The platform is used by more than 150 top companies, with fast onboarding and flexible pricing. Key benefits include:

  • Lightning-Fast Implementation: Go live in four weeks with no setup required.
  • Boosted ROI: Pay-as-you-go pricing means you get the most out of your investment with no upfront costs.
  • Dynamic Scalability: Upgrade agent skills and add new features instantly to keep up with changing business needs.
  • Deeper Insights: Use real-time analytics to improve agent productivity and customer satisfaction.
  • Seamless Integrations: Streamline operations with over 100 native integrations to top ITSM tools like ServiceNow and Zendesk.

With tryvium, customers can deflect 45% of tickets and improve customer service with reduced average handle time, increased calls per agent and higher resolution rates. The AI-powered routing engine analyzes user requests and routes them based on priority, intent, language, sentiment and other factors. The platform comes with a prebuilt virtual assistant for near-human conversational abilities and integrated knowledge base and translation tools.

For agents, tryvium offers a Microsoft Teams-based console with chat, voice and video support. Integrated knowledge base and ITSM tools give agents the information they need for all tickets. AI agent assistance and language translation tools can boost efficiency up to 50%.

The advanced admin console lets you easily configure bots, manage agents and set up queues. Real-time chat monitoring and actionable insights let supervisors oversee everything easily.

tryvium integrates with Dynamics, SNOW, BMC Remedy, Ivanti, Cherwell and Zendesk. It offers omnichannel support, priority routing and secure file sharing to provide the best customer experience. The platform also includes unified agent consoles, customer 360 views, real-time tools like language translation and dynamic knowledge base assistance, and sentiment alerts.

tryvium is designed to help businesses get the most out of their investment by streamlining operations, optimizing resource allocation and continuously improving service. The platform offers a free demo and a three-step process to get started: schedule a discovery call, design a customized solution, and implement with ongoing support.

Published on June 27, 2024

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