
Automates CRM updates, drafts follow-up emails, and provides insights from customer conversations, freeing salespeople to focus on high-leverage work.
Sales Automation CRM Integration AI-powered Sales Assistance

Sybill is an AI assistant that's supposed to help salespeople work more efficiently by automating updates to customer relationship management software, drafting follow-up emails and offering insights based on customer conversations. The idea is to free salespeople from non-revenue-generating work so they can concentrate on more important work.

Sybill can integrate with a variety of tools, including videoconferencing software like Meet, Zoom and Team, and third-party call recording tools like Gong and Chorus. It can also send notifications through Outlook, Gmail and Slack, and integrate with CRM software like Salesforce and Hubspot.

Among Sybill's features are:

  • DealSync: Real-time updates to CRM software for better visibility into deals.
  • Magic Summaries: Human-sounding summaries of calls that can be sent to email, Slack and CRM software, freeing salespeople from having to write them up.
  • AI Follow-up Email: Drafted follow-up emails based on call summaries to get salespeople a jump start on their work.
  • Behavior Intelligence: Analysis of buyer behavior based on engagement and sentiment data to help salespeople structure deals better.
  • Custom Summaries: Different summaries for different stakeholders, like sales, customer success and product development.

Sybill's multimodal intelligence engine is designed to spot both verbal and nonverbal behavior during Zoom calls, a richer source of information than just transcriptions. That's because many transcription tools don't capture nonverbal behavior.

Sybill's pricing comes in three tiers:

  • Yearly:
    • Starter: $34 per month per user (up to 4 seats), with unlimited call recording and transcription, meeting summaries and basic Slack workflows.
    • Mind Reader: $65 per month per user, with unlimited seats, CRM integration, AI follow-up email drafts and more advanced Slack workflows.
    • Enterprise: Custom pricing, with unlimited deal updates, dedicated account management and more advanced security controls.
  • Monthly:
    • Starter: $45 per month per user (up to 4 seats), with the same features as the yearly plan.
    • Mind Reader: $76 per month per user, with unlimited seats and more features.
    • Enterprise: Custom pricing, with the same features as the yearly plan.

Sybill's advantages include freeing salespeople from manual note taking, improving the accuracy of CRM data and offering insights that can help salespeople improve their performance. By automating mundane tasks, Sybill can help salespeople focus on higher-leverage work and close more deals.

Published on June 14, 2024

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