Lead Forensics

Identify unknown B2B website visitors, uncover new opportunities, and capture business contact information to drive growth and close deals faster.
B2B Sales Automation Website Visitor Analytics Lead Generation

Lead Forensics is the market leader in B2B website visitor identification. The platform helps you identify the unknown visitors to your website, giving you the insights you need to drive business growth. You can uncover new opportunities, close more deals and increase revenue by identifying your B2B website visitors and capturing their business contact information.

Lead Forensics is used by a range of B2B business roles:

  • B2B Sales and Sales Operations: Find new sales leads, see pipeline insights and close deals faster.
  • B2B Customer Account Management: Improve customer satisfaction and increase incremental revenue with more advanced website visitor insights.
  • B2B Marketing: Capture demand generated by your marketing campaigns and act on it.

The features include:

  • B2B Visitor Identification: Identify businesses visiting your website using a comprehensive IP address database.
  • Real-time Alerts: Receive instant notifications when prospects visit your website or specific pages.
  • Contact Information: Get access to business contact details, including names, job titles, email addresses and phone numbers.
  • Advanced Integration: Integrate with your CRM system and other tools.
  • Data Import and Management: Import and manage your ideal customer profile data for targeted alerts.
  • Customizable Workflows: Automate processes based on specific triggers and actions.

Pricing is tiered to suit different business needs, and a free trial is available to test the effectiveness of the tool:

  • Essential: Suitable for small and medium-sized businesses, offering standard features such as visitor identification and contact data.
  • Automate: Suitable for enterprise businesses, offering advanced integrations, customizable workflows and prospect pipeline reports.

Lead Forensics highlights its ease of use and unlimited user access, encouraging teams to work together and get more out of the tool. The platform is designed to improve operational efficiency, generate more net new opportunities and accelerate deal close rates. By giving businesses a deeper understanding of customer behavior and website engagement, Lead Forensics helps businesses optimize their marketing campaigns and customer account management for better results.

Published on June 29, 2024

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