
Turns existing knowledge bases into AI chatbots, providing instant answers to customer questions across multiple channels, while personalizing interactions and improving support metrics.
Customer Service Automation Chatbot Development AI-powered Support Tools

Fini is a tool that turns existing knowledge bases into AI chatbots. Customers can import data from sources like Confluence, G-drive and Notion, then set the tone for their AI agent to match their company's voice. Fini's AI agents respond immediately to customer questions on Slack, Discord and Zendesk.

Among Fini's metrics of success are a 12% retention improvement, 15% revenue per user improvement and 30% activation improvement. The integration takes about seven days.

Fini also lets customers set up shared team inboxes so multiple people can handle customer support. And reports let teams track and measure performance metrics.

Some specific examples of Fini's use cases include:

  • Predicting Churn: Fini uses AI to predict which users are likely to churn, so businesses can take proactive measures to keep them.
  • Upselling: Fini can spot opportunities to upsell based on product usage data and behavior.
  • Activation: Fini can create personalized journeys to activate more users and lower associated costs.

Fini's AI features include:

  • Link and configure: Connect your data and set the tone of your AI agent.
  • Launch: Deploy the AI to multiple channels.
  • Manage team inboxes: Coordinate team members with shared inboxes.
  • Instant answers: Respond immediately to customer questions.
  • Reports: Measure and analyze performance with custom reports.

Fini integrates with popular tools like Slack, Zendesk, Discord and Intercom. It also has a strong focus on security, including certifications like SOC 2 Type II, ISO 27001 and GDPR compliance.

E-commerce and finance companies looking to improve their customer support can benefit from Fini's approach, which offers a useful way to automate routine support tasks while still personalizing interactions.

Published on June 14, 2024

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