
Leverage machine learning to create personalized, contextual, and real-time marketing campaigns that drive user engagement and optimize ROI.
Mobile Marketing Automation Personalization Customer Journey Mapping

appICE is a mobile marketing automation platform that helps businesses create a personalized relationship with their customers. With machine learning technology, the platform provides a variety of features to increase user engagement, optimize marketing campaigns and improve overall ROI.

appICE aggregates data from multiple systems into one platform, allowing you to send contextual, real-time messages across devices. Visualization tools help you plan journeys, and performance measurement helps you optimize campaigns with analytics and predictive modeling. This means you can get measurable insights into ROI and LTV.

Some of the key features of appICE include:

  • Personalization: Customize push campaign content with user-specific tags to greet users by name and personalize messages based on their preferences.
  • In-App/In-Web Messaging: Show rich content in-app banners and interstitials based on user interactions.
  • Rich Media: Create custom pages with images, videos, CTAs and more to engage users.
  • High-Speed Push Notifications: Send notifications at scale without sacrificing performance.
  • Segmentation: Target campaigns with tags that define specific user segments.
  • Campaign Management: Manage and track push campaigns to see how well they perform.
  • Scalability: Architecture designed to handle large numbers of devices and push campaigns.
  • A/B Testing: Run tests to see which push configurations perform best.
  • AutoPush: Run automated push campaigns based on audience segments and frequency.

appICE also includes a variety of tools to help you understand how users behave, including:

  • Behavioral Intelligence: Get insights from user behavior to inform engagement strategies.
  • Attribution ROI: Measure ROI with accurate attribution to optimize marketing spend.
  • Lifecycle Analytics: See how users progress through different stages and focus on specific segments to improve retention.
  • Retention Reports: Monitor new user engagement and A/B test different flows.
  • Cohorts: Create custom definitions of user groups based on events or sequences of events.
  • Business Events: See and analyze event properties and context.
  • Journeys: See user experiences across multiple paths in a single infographic.
  • Visual CX: See user actions and understand behavior on web and app.

By combining machine learning with a variety of marketing automation features, appICE gives businesses the ability to create intelligent, user-centric strategies that drive engagement and improve customer relationships.

Published on June 29, 2024

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