
Streamline eCommerce operations with AI-powered customer support, automated pricing, and targeted feedback management to boost sales and customer satisfaction.
E-commerce Optimization Customer Service Automation Pricing Management

xsellco also offers a range of other tools, including eCommerce customer service software, intelligent feedback software and instant Amazon repricing. The company's focus is on making sales easier, with tools that speed up customer support, optimize pricing and encourage happy customers to provide feedback.

xsellco's eDesk is a customer support help desk designed for eCommerce businesses. It connects to marketplaces and social sites so support agents can respond to customers more quickly with the right information. eDesk features include AI-powered replies, automated ticket assignment and a clean interface to keep customer interactions organized.

Price management software lets sellers set prices on marketplaces like Amazon, eBay and Walmart without constant monitoring. The software can optimize prices to win more Buy Box opportunities and offers more advanced features like Net Margin Repricing to ensure profitability.

Feedback software also is available to target positive feedback from customers on Amazon, eBay, Trustpilot and other sites. The feature lets you set up rules to target happy customers, customize requests for reviews and send them to specific review sites.

xsellco counts thousands of online retailers as customers, including Superdry, Suzuki and HP. The company says it's helped online sales of more than $8.1 billion and handled more than 10 million customer messages per month.

Some of the key features include:

  • eDesk: Customer support help desk for eCommerce businesses.
  • Price Management: Automated pricing tools for optimal sales.
  • Feedback Management: Targeted review requests for positive feedback.

Pricing varies depending on which tools you need and how large your business is. You can sign up for free trials or monthly or annual plans, and annual plans offer discounts. The Ultimate plan adds features like Net Margin Repricing for more profitable sales.

The idea is to make the overall eCommerce experience better by providing tools that are easy to use for customer support, pricing and feedback. The tools are geared for online retailers that want to streamline their operations and improve customer satisfaction.

Published on July 8, 2024

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