
Matches podcasts to audience behavior, interests, and trends, increasing engagement and revenue through AI-driven recommendations and personalized ad delivery.
Podcast Monetization Audio Advertising Content Personalization

Rubio is a podcast discovery platform that matches podcasts to publishers' audience, increasing engagement and opening up new revenue streams. With Rubio's AI-based monetization, content automation and podcast recommendations, publishers can maximize their online audio inventory and serve ads to leading performance and brand buyers.

Some of Rubio's key features include:

  • AI-driven podcast recommendations: Matches relevant podcasts to audience behavior, interests and trends.
  • Content automation: Creates playlists for websites, making them more engaging and radio-like.
  • Monetization tools: Enables publishers to monetize digital audio and personalize ad delivery.

Rubio serves two main user groups:

  • Advertisers: Reach a large audience across devices with precise targeting and detailed reporting.
  • Publishers: Make digital audio more personalized, monetize audience behavior and take advantage of audio ad formats.

Rubio's technology is designed to make it easier for people to find the right podcast in the right context. Scanning real-time data and using AI, the platform ensures that audio ads are personalized for each user. This integration improves user experience, drives incremental revenue and extends user site engagement.

Please visit their website for more information on pricing and getting started.

Published on July 8, 2024

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