Retention Science

Automates smart lifecycle marketing and personalized communications, optimizing email content, send times, and product recommendations to maximize revenue and customer engagement.
E-commerce Optimization Email Marketing Automation Customer Segmentation Artificial Intelligence Marketing Multichannel Marketing

Retention Science is an artificial intelligence-powered email and SMS marketing platform for ecommerce companies. It's designed to boost online sales by automating smart lifecycle marketing and personalizing communications at every stage of the customer journey. By using AI to optimize email content, Retention Science automates much of the grunt work and gets customers more engaged.

Among its features:

  • Lifecycle Automation: Reach customers at every touchpoint, from welcome emails to repeat purchases and cart abandonment.
  • Optimized Campaigns: AI-predicted subject lines, content, send times and product recommendations to maximize revenue and retention.
  • Drag-and-Drop Automation Workflow Editor: Build custom marketing sequences, then let AI optimize it for your brand's specific needs.
  • SMS Integration: Unite email and SMS marketing for a unified multichannel experience.
  • Customer Data Platform (CDP) Integration: Pulls data from leading ecommerce platforms for better customer segmentation.
  • Rich Data Reporting: Analytics, revenue reporting and visualization to see prospect behavior.

Retention Science automates email and SMS marketing for ecommerce companies to save time and get customers more engaged. By integrating with common ecommerce tools and using AI to enrich customer data, the company says the platform enables smarter segmentation and more effective marketing.

Retention Science is geared for companies trying to grow online sales and get more out of their email marketing. Among its features are tools to maximize the effectiveness of email campaigns while minimizing the amount of work required. By automating and optimizing email marketing, Retention Science can help companies grow more rapidly.

Published on June 27, 2024

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